Today I was sick.. big surprise. We're taking out dairy from my diet to see if maybe i'm allergic to it. I got a new air purifier which is helping a little.. It will take awhile before fully kicking in. My stomcah hurts today.. It's like spasming and heaving.. it's quite gross and I don't like it. I also keep getting really hot then really cold.. I don't know. Perhaps this daily blog will turn into a medical journal. :S
Well despite being sick I went to Jen's acoustic show that she was putting on. It was lots of fun. It's nice to see the talent in IF. Jen's song was amazing and I was very very proud. She did wonderful. She and andrew were my favorite I think. Although everyone did very well.
I spent about 2 hours curling my hair today. It ended up being way cute.. I thought. idk what other people thought. They probably thought I was nuts. :S
That's like the side of it.. I didn't really get a picture of the WHOLE thing... But yeah.. I was pretty proud.
Well I think i'm going to idk.. find something to do or go to bed..
I love you all.
<3 Katie Wan.
pretty sure i LOVED your hair. just sayin. feel better soon my love.