I have been thinking a lot about this and I couldn't actually figure out someone or something that has had the biggest impact on me, but I will tell you about something that has had a big impact on me recently. That would be the series A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin. In this book is a boy called Jon Snow, and recently he has taught me a lot. Jon Snow is the bastard son of his father Eddard Stark. So Jon must find his own way in the world. So he goes and takes the black so that he can protect the known world. But what you realize about Jon is that he loves his family very much. He would do anything for them, he even tries to run away to his family after his fathers death. But he is a strong young boy and he has taught me a lot through the book. Plus, he's a total hottie in the TV series, don't deny it.
-KD Wan John Silver Martin-Howell-Kenobi-Snape
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