Friday, September 02, 2011

Day 2: The Blooooog!

So day 2 it asks, what is the meaning behind your blog name? Well, I don't really have a super significant meaning, but I can always try and come up with one.

When I started out writing I hand wrote everything in notebooks. I loved it so much. When I got my laptop I seemed to have lost that. I miss using my hand, so from time to time I write my thoughts and ideas in notebooks, hoping that something better will come out of it. So I guess when I named the Notepad I just thought about that. I revamped my blog a couple months ago so I needed something that pertained more personally to me. So the Notepad seemed to stick. It's a place for me to write, and that's how I love it.

I love you all
Remember who you are and what you stand for.

-KD Wan John Silver Martin-Howell-Kenobi-Snape

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