Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians
Alcatraz Versus the Evil Librarians (AVEL) is a fun, quirky book, which will keep your attention through each chapter. I found myself not wanting to put the book down after hours of reading. I continually wanted to know what would happen to the protagonist Alcatraz Smedry. Brandon Sanderson, the author, has beautifully captured the art of narration and point of view. When you read through AVEL you hear Alcatraz’s voice. You hear his thoughts and you understand exactly what he is going through. There are many different things that bring this book to life. There are knights, Evil Librarians, Talking dinosaurs, A witty and very fun Grandpa Smedry (who, by the end of the book, you will want to be your grandfather.)
The only thing I could see why readers would not like the story, would probably be the narration in between chapters. Some people may consider this a climax spoiler, or breaking the tension of the book.
As for me I found this very realistic. How many of us go through the climax of our life’s action without the inner narration moving around in our head? I believe that this book is really realistic and by the end you will be asking yourself, “are there really Evil Librarians trying to take over the world.”
***** (5 Stars)