Sunday, August 07, 2011

KD In Real Life..

Some more random thoughts:

1. Have you seen that Kindle commercial? The one where the blonde girl is talking to the cute boy and they are talking about reading real books compared to the kindle. Well she then explains that the best part of a real book is folding the page down.. Here is the random thought: That commercial makes me sick to my stomach. I have always had a problem with folded corners in books. Why would you ruin something that is so perfect! GAAAH! I'm serious every time she does it I have to look away. Stupid blonde.

2. Being sick for 3 weeks is not something you want to do.. Take my word.

3. I'm really excited for school to start again in the fall, I feel really good about this upcoming semester. I don't know why but I feel a lot better about it than any other semester. I really just want my life to take off. I may, haha, change my minor again. Luckily it's just my minor so it won't be too crazy of a switch, but I don't know.. I'm feeling a switch.

I love you all.

-KD Wan.


  1. Katie Katie Katie ... if you keep changing you'll never graduate silly :)

  2. Not my minor. I don't start that for a couple semesters.
