Alright so my family and I have started the ideo of starting a food place/Restaurant. ( sp?) Anyways here's the idea:
A dessert place that is open six nights a week. there you will experience live entertainment from around 6 until ten at night. Local bands will play and such.
For the food there will be crazy desserts and regular desserts. such as pies brownies cookies. There will also be such thing as hot chocolate and such. In the back with be an arcade room where there will be old school games (Frogger, Pacman). We will do birthday parties. Special birthday parties where employees will dress up like princesses and what not. (Something like my Aunt Missi does. still working on this aspect). On the walls will hang local artists works. Photography, drawings, Painting. They will be available for sale. So basically people who want to sell their work will be able to.
The prices will determine on your purchases. But you can basically plan on about 5 dollars a person.
My mother will probably be exposing her delicious carmel corn which you will surely love. It's like heaven in your mouth.. You should trust me, I happen to like food. :D. Uhmm. There will talent contests. I'm trying to get my dad to do a senior date night. (Like for old people.. not seniors)
Anyways it's a little coffee shop type of deal. but with no coffee or alcohol served. It's a perfect place to get your band discovered or sell your artwork.
Anyways what I want to know is if you think this is a good idea. My mom told us we had to ask at least 10 people if they think it's a good idea.. so I better get 10 responses.
Anyways there's tons and tons more idea's that have been thrown around. Those are basically the main ideas. So PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE tell me what you think. If you don't want to comment on here leave me a message on facebook or myspace. Whichever you heard this from. :D.
I love you guys. :D
<3 Katie Wan.