Thursday, April 01, 2010


Right now I am sitting upstairs watching my niece and nephew, Addison and Carsten. They're super cute. anyways they've been here all day. Which is.. idk. Don't get me started on that.
Anyways! VV (<< means downward VV.. get it?) anyways. The post from below about my hero X. that book is going very well. It may even tie in to my previous books in the Silver Lining Trilogy. Like it already does.. but I mean Shiloh and Rylan will probably be in this book also.
Again I love the names in this book. I think that's my favorite part of a story is naming all the characters and watching them evolve. It's totally aweome.
Today I was watching some show where people get in fights over facebook then meet up and kill each other. Totally sounds like something I want to do. I'm so sick of hearing about this crap. You can't blame Facebook. If you want to blame anything blame the kids' parents. Obviously there are problems at home that make them think that violence and bullying is alright.
so if you think Facebook causes violence I can prove to you that it doesn't.. Look at me.. I don't talk rude to people over the internet then go and shoot them. why? because i'm a civilized human being. :S.
anyways. idk.
I hope you guys are having a good day. I'm totally enjoying the weather.. I know no one likes it.. but I sure do.
Anyways i'm getting in trouble for calling Carsten booger so I better go.
I love you guys!

<3 Katie Wan.

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